Welcome to our FAQ page! Here you will find answers to many of the most common questions about our products and services. If you cannot find the information you are looking for, please do not hesitate to contact us for further assistance. You will find contact information on the Contact page at the bottom of the page.

How can I pay in the store?

We accept payment via Klarna and Swish in our store. We want to make it as easy as possible for our customers to buy our products. If you have any questions or problems with payment, do not hesitate to contact us and we will be happy to help you.

How long is the delivery time?

Our usual delivery time is between 2-5 working days after we have sent the order (you will receive an email when we have sent the order). ATTENTION! Orders placed during the weekend are sent no earlier than the weekday after the order is placed.

What are the shipping costs?

The shipping cost is SEK 49 and free shipping applies to purchases over SEK 799.

Can I add/remove products from my order?

Yes, you absolutely can. You add products by clicking on "Add to cart" found on each product page. You can remove products by clicking on the shopping cart button at the top of the page on the right side and then you simply click on the X button on the product you want to remove from the order. ATTENTION! You cannot add/remove products after completing the order.

Can I order outside of Sweden?

No, you cannot do that. Right now we only offer orders within Sweden.

Do your products contain any synthetic ingredients?

Our products are completely natural and contain no synthetic ingredients. We strive to offer our customers a cleaning experience that is gentle on both the skin and the environment. Instead of synthetic ingredients, we only use natural oils, herbal extracts and herbs in our products.

Are the products vegan?

Our products are made with the highest quality natural ingredients from Greece. Some of our products are completely vegan, while others contain cruelty-free animal derivatives that are sustainably sourced. We believe it is important to offer our customers both vegan options and products that are made with consideration for animals. If you have any questions about specific products, please contact us and we will be happy to help.

Are your products tested on animals?

No, our products are not tested on animals. We strongly distance ourselves from animal testing and are committed to offering cruelty-free products that are both effective and gentle on nature.

How long do your soaps last?

It depends on several factors, including how often the soap is used, storage conditions, and size. Generally speaking, our soaps should last at least 4 weeks with regular use and proper storage in a cool, dry place. We recommend that you use the soap within twelve months of opening the package.

Do you have any recommendations for which soap is suitable for different skin types?

Yes, we have recommendations for which soap is suitable for different skin types and there is detailed information in the description of each product. We recommend that you read the description carefully to choose the soap that suits your skin type and needs.

What is the best method to store my solid soap?

To best care for your solid soap, it's best to let it dry between uses by placing it in a soap holder that drains excess water. Avoid leaving your soap in water, as this can cause it to melt and lose its shape. Store the soap in a dry place with good ventilation to extend its life. TIP! Our soap holders dry the soaps really well for the best storage!

Do you have any certifications for your products?

Yes, all the products we sell have undergone the checks required to obtain ISO 22716 GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) certification. This certification guarantees that the products are manufactured according to the highest quality standards and that they contain only safe and approved ingredients.